Hi! 👋
Dashboard Kit

Elevate your design workflow with our Dashboard Kit for Figma.
Access 60 meticulously crafted templates to kickstart your projects and save time.
From management to gaming, explore a variety of styles to take your designs to the next level.

Unlock the potential

of your projects.

No matter what type of project you're working on, you'll find the solution here with access to a vast collection of 60 pre-designed dashboards.

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Benefits of using our Dashboard Kit

Unlock the full potential with our comprehensive toolkit tailored for web designers and developers. Featuring an extensive array of pre-made elements, UI components, style guides, and templates, this toolkit empowers you to effortlessly design any project.

Stylish Elements

Professional Designs

Access professionally crafted dashboard designs that exude sophistication, elevating your projects instantly.

Easy Customization

Customize dashboards effortlessly using Figma's intuitive tools, ensuring your designs reflect your unique brand identity with ease.

Eye-catching Elements

Explore a vast collection of charts, and widgets, all meticulously crafted to enhance the visual appeal of your dashboards.

Get started with the kit and save valuable time.

Speed up your workflow with our library of pre-made screens, allowing you to focus on perfecting your project's unique elements.


Pay once, use forever in unlimited projects.

Demo for Free


Explore our demo version for free. Includes access to view the dashboard templates in JPG format.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We've got answers! Explore our FAQs section to find quick solutions to common queries about our Dashboard Kit.

Do I need Figma for this Kit?

Yes, this is a UI Kit built in Figma. You can check out the Figma plans for more information (there's a free version).

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Do I need to know how to use Figma?

It's the best way to use this UI Kit, all Dashboards are built and meant to be edited in Figma. If you prefer, you can also import the dashboards within Sketch or Adobe XD, yet you should consider some layouts that may need to be adjusted after importing the Figma files within any of these other tools.

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What type of support do you offer?

If you can't duplicate the file within your Drafts folders, you can contact us and we will help you find another way to get the files. No extra editing or adjustment to the original file is included with the purchase.

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What is the update policy for the dashboards?

The purchase of this product is a one-time purchase and we will not provide upgrades to the product. By purchasing this product you will be authorized to replicate it and use it in any way you see fit.
Probably in the future, there will be new versions of Hi! 👋 Dashboards that you can get through a new purchase.

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Can I suggest improvements for the kit?

We would love to hear your suggestions. If you have any, please send them to: hello@hidesign.io we'll make ourselves sure to add them to the new Hi! 👋 Dashboard versions we'll design.

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What do I get with this purchase?

We will send you an email with a link to our "Hi! 👋 Dashboard" Figma file. The file will be ready for you to clone into your Drafts folder and use in your projects.

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Get Hi! 👋 
Dashboard Kit Now!